What Happens at Household Goods

What Happens at Household Goods

Middlesex Savings Bank recently spent some time at Household Goods, where they captured the full scope of what goes on at 530 Main Street, from donor pick ups and drop offs to donation sorting and prepping to distributing the donations to clients.A huge thank you to...
A Different Kind of Love Story

A Different Kind of Love Story

Recently, Household Goods received a warm, soft handmade quilt that arrived with an explanatory note. The note reminded us that in 1997, Grand Fork, North Dakota, suffered a devastating flood. Tens of thousands of people were displaced by the rising waters and the...
Household Goods Honored as Rosie’s Place Partner

Household Goods Honored as Rosie’s Place Partner

Household Goods is delighted to be honored as a Rosie’s Place Partner, recognizing our support in making it possible for Rosie’s Place “to continue to provide vital services and unconditional love and acceptance to 12,000 poor and homeless women a...
Pots and Pans Drive

Pots and Pans Drive

A big thank you to the Discovery Museums.We were in dire need of pots and pans, as you can see from the empty shelves. The Discovery Museums have come to the rescue! They offered a program called Pots & Pans for Passes through March 10. Anyone who visited the...