Household Goods Client Referral Form

To schedule an appointment for your client to receive furniture and household items, please provide us with the information requested below.

You and your client will be responsible for transporting the goods and furniture from Household Goods. Before completing and submitting the referral, please confirm that your client has a “Transportation Plan” – a reliable way of getting furniture from Household Goods in Acton into their home.

What is a Transportation Plan?

A transportation plan describes how your client will move furniture and household goods from our showroom in Acton, MA to and into their home on the appointment day. Planning in advance helps make sure that your client will be able to get the goods they need.

A good transportation plan includes:

  • a secured vehicle appropriate for transporting items;
  • a committed and licensed driver; and
  • available labor to unload and move goods into the clients home.

These may be provided by the referring agency, another program, or the client themselves. 

It may be helpful to use our client transportation needs checklist before beginning the referral process.